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Live Tracking

Live Tracking

The GPS enabled technology features the live tracking of a vehicle or any moving object at any part of the world. This is because of the uninterrupted satellite tracking and video signals that can scan any part of the earth's surface and then transmit the digitized information to the earth based receptors. Live tracking allows the tracking and monitoring person to follow closely the movements of the vehicle from point to point. This information further imparts such vital information to the monitoring person:

  • Gives distance covered in km or miles by the vehicle from origin to destination.
  • Gives time taken by vehicle from origin to destination.
  • Gives distance covered in km and miles by vehicle from point to point along total travel route.
  • Gives time taken by vehicle from point to point along total travel route.
  • Gives precise route that the vehicle has traveled.

The live tracking of the vehicle, be it a two wheeler, four wheeler or four wheeler plus vehicles, can be accurately viewed not only from any point in the world but also at any given time of the day. Tracking of the vehicle can also be extended to mean the relaying of live videos of the vehicle from the inside of the vehicle as well as to the outside of the vehicle. In this case, video cameras will need to be installed at the strategic locations of the vehicle for optimal wide angled vision.

The video cameras will need to be attached to the GPS tracker devices so that the digitized tracking on the cell phone is synchronous with the live streaming using the internal and external cameras on the vehicle.