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Points of Interest

Points of Interest

        This is a GPS enabled technology non-distress alert feature. This feature is more of a reminder alert feature that allows the person using the smart phone enabled GPS software to bench mark important points on his or her travel route. Once the points on the route have been bench marked, then the person who is traveling along the route will be automatically alerted through audio sounds and text notifications. This feature is very helpful and practical to a person who wishes to travel along a route that has a lot of historical or commercial sites for which he or she needs to stop and explore or perhaps to meet someone there.

The use of this GPS enabled alerts technology can also be used for intercity or interstate travel which call for itinerary stops and pauses. As mentioned above, the stops or pauses can be for various reasons.

          In a way, this feature is similar to the geo-fencing facility where the entrance or exit of an unidentified person or object causes an alert response to the monitoring person through his or her cell phone. However, in this case, the immediate beneficiary is the hands-on traveling person and not the remotely viewing monitor as is the case in the earlier examples.